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Come to Weil this Summer and Play Amazing!

Southern California’s Best Jr. Tennis Training Camps!

As So. California and the rest of the US continue to return to normal activities, Weil will continue to employ all preventative measures to avoid the introduction of Covid-19 within the Weil Community during our Spring & Summer Training Camps.  We are committed to making our camps a competitive, safe and fun environment for all of our campers to enjoy!

Weil camps are perfect for female and male competitive Junior players, ages 8 – 19 years old, who want an intense & fun tennis camp experience training with passionate, professional coaches and other highly motivated players.

At Weil Academy, your child will be treated like a young professional player who aims to improve their game every day!


Come to Weil this Summer and Play Amazing!

Southern California’s Best Jr. Tennis Training Camps!

As So. California and the rest of the US continue to return to normal activities, Weil will continue to employ all preventative measures to avoid the introduction of Covid-19 within the Weil Community during our Spring & Summer Training Camps.  We are committed to making our camps a competitive, safe and fun environment for all of our campers to enjoy!

Weil camps are perfect for female and male competitive Junior players, ages 8 – 19 years old, who want an intense & fun tennis camp experience training with passionate, professional coaches and other highly motivated players.

At Weil Academy, your child will be treated like a young professional player who aims to improve their game every day!

Thanksgiving Camp


November 25th-29th

For boarding option please call the office (805) 640-3413

Spring Break Camps


Week 1: March 23th-28th

Week 2: March 30th-April 4th

Summer 2025 Camp Dates


Week 1:
June 1 – 6

Week 7:
July 13 – 18

Week 2:
June 8 – 13

Week 8:
July 20 – 25

Week 3:
June 15 – 20

Week 9:
July 27 – Aug. 1

Week 4:
June 22 – 27

Week 10:
August 3 – 8

Week 5:
June 29 – July 4

Week 11:
August 10 – 15

Week 6:
July 6 – 11

Week 12:
August 17 – 22

Weil Academy Camp Rates

Boarding /Overnight Camp Week: $1,750.00
Non-Boarding Camp Week: $1,200.00
** Multi-Week Discounts available!

Stay over on a Weekend and play a
Southern California Jr. Tournament with us!

USTA Jr. Tournaments, UTR Events & ITA College Tournaments on Weekends for All Levels of Juniors & Elite Players : $495.00*
Includes Entry Fee, Housing & Full Supervision Fri & Sat nights, Travel with the Weil Team & Coaching at Tournaments!

Residential Weekend: $250.00
Includes Housing & Full Supervision at Academy Fri & Sat nights.

*Weekend Fee Does not include Weekend Meals.

Private Tennis Lessons & Private Fitness Sessions with our Head Coaching Staff available!
See Lesson Rates & Options below!

*Please note tournament participation is only available for campers on the weekends between 2 or more consecutive camp weeks.
Weil will make best efforts to find a tournament for your child on the weekend that you request; but, due to limited draw sizes in some
Southern California Summer Jr Tournaments, we cannot guarantee that your child will be accepted into the tournament desired for that weekend. 

At Weil Camps, we have as much FUN together off the court
as we do on the court!

Campers can enjoy traveling and playing Tournaments
with the Weil Coaches!

Camp Schedule:

7:45AM  Wake-Up & Breakfast

8:45AM to 12:00PM  Activation, Fitness Program, On-Court
Drills in Stroke Production, Tactics & Offensive Skills.

12:00PM to 1:30PM  Lunch & Rest

1:30PM to 4:00PM  Competitive Match Play in Singles &
Doubles with Coaching, Tactics, Mental Toughness, Stretching
and Cool-Down.

4:00PM to 5:00PM  Free Time / Rest

5:00PM  Dinner

6:15PM to 8:00PM  Fun Camp Activities like Dodgeball,
Water Basketball, Doubles Tournament, etc.

8:00PM to 10:00PM  Free Time / Rest

10:00PM  Bed Time/ Lights Out!

Camps Include:

  • 30 Hours of Tennis, Competition & Fitness Training
    designed to help you Improve your Competitive Game
    each day!
  • Coached Match Play in Singles and Doubles
  • Mental Toughness Coaching
  • Comprehensive Tennis & Fitness Evaluation
  • College Placement Seminar
  • Weeknight Intra-Camp Pickle Ball Doubles Tournament
  • Travel on a Weekend with Weil International Coaching
    Staff to a So. California Jr. Tournament, OR an ITA
    College Tournament
  • Pacific Ocean Morning Beach Fitness & Fun
  • Fun Nightly Team Activities
  • Weil / New Balance Camp T-shirt & Cool Prizes
  • Great Camp Memories!


25 Championship Hard Courts On Campus Dining Hall with Full-Time Chef
State-of-the-Art Fitness Facilities Girls Dormitory
Pools, Jacuzzis and Steam Room Boys Dormitory
Beach Volleyball & Pickleball Courts Multi-sports Fields near Academy

At Weil Camps, we have as much FUN together off the court
as we do on the court!

Campers can enjoy traveling and playing Tournaments
with the Weil Coaches!

Tennis / Fitness / TAP Mental/ Nutrition Lesson Fees

Head Coaches:

$150.00 per 1 Hour Private Lesson

$725.00 for a Package of 5 Lessons

$1,450.00 for a Package of 10 Lessons

Assistant Head Coaches:

$105 per 1 Hour PrivateLesson

$500 for a Package of 5 Lessons

$1,000 for a Package of 10 Lessons

Fitness Director:

$120.00 per 1 Hour Private Lesson

$200.00 – High Performance Fitness Package


Download Mandatory Training Camp Forms

Download Weil Camp Information Sheet


Any Further Camp Information, please call 805-640-3413

Tennis / Fitness / TAP Mental/ Nutrition Lesson Fees

One Hour Private Tennis Lesson with Weil Tennis Director Mohamed Badran: $250.00 per hour*

*(Please call our Office at 805 640 3413 to schedule these lessons with Coach Badran)

Head Coaches:
TAP Mental
1 Hour Lesson
1 Hour Private Lesson
1 Hour Private Lesson
TAP Rookie
One Week Private Program
5 Lessons Package
5 Lessons Package
 High Performance
Two Week Private Program
10 Lessons Package
10 Lessons Package
One Week Group Program

Private Lessons Fees / Fitness Lessons Fees — k4nh

Head Coaches:

$150 - 1 Hour Lesson
$725 - 5 Lessons Package
$1,450 - 10 Lessons Package

Assistant Head Coaches:

$105 - 1 Hour Private Lesson
$500 - 5 Lessons Package
$1,000 - 10 Lessons Package

Fitness Director:

$120 - 1 Hour Private Lesson
$200 – High Performance


TAP Rookie - $250
TAP Pro - $450


For More Information or to Register

Call Today!